
Сообщения за июнь, 2018

Mata uang digital Kreatif terbaik

Apa itu Ethereum pribadi?  Melihat ke depan untuk ini, situs web (  https://ethprivate.net/  ) memiliki lebih banyak rincian tetapi di bawah ini adalah beberapa penjelasan  Ethereum Private adalah mata uang digital kreatif ia memiliki sisi baik dari ethereum dan neo dan Zcash, sejenis uang komputerisasi dijamin dengan kriptografi dan dikeluarkan melalui pasar penambangan yang terdesentralisasi.  Etherum Private menghadirkan jenis bukti baru tentang kerja dalam melihat bilangan prima, Sambil menjaga setiap manfaat dari kontrak cerdas, Etherum Private menyembunyikan semua informasi untuk mengamankan perlindungan klien di semua bursa.  Ini juga memiliki ukuran potongan dinamis dan muatan dinamis serta konfirmasi pekerjaan ASIC-aman. Berikut adalah fitur-fitur pribadi Ethereum berikut ini Privasi: Ethereum Private menggunakan inovasi keamanan yang tidak dapat dibedakan dari Zcash (zk-snarks).  Ini berarti angsuran didistribusikan pada blockchain terbuka, namun pengirim, penerima, d

TRUEPLAY - Genera e supporta diversi tipi di progetti di gioco

   Ciao a tutti, in questo post vorrei presentare il progetto TruePlay e per maggiori dettagli andiamo alla seguente discussione:   Cos'è ICO TRUEPLAY?  Trueplay è fondamentalmente sviluppato per produrre e supportare vari tipi di progetti di gioco d'azzardo. In altre parole, è una vera piattaforma di implementazione creata per l'integrazione della perfetta conoscenza blockchain in vari piani di gioco online.   Dovresti prestare attenzione al fatto che Trueplay non è un fornitore di giochi a distanza, ma fornisce solo schemi di licenza di questo tipo accedendo al software come servizio. Usando un podio e strumenti per produrre il proprio progetto, questa società di spettro acquisisce composti di soluzioni complete come ricevute di pagamento, vincite vincenti, supporto tecnico e supporto legale dell'integrazione di giochi. I giocatori otterranno la massima trasparenza quando si tratta della procedura di pagamento e del 100% di affidabilità di tutti i giochi q


GreenishCoin Introduction The new thoughts are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new ventures. We have the greatest instrument on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a huge base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is GreenishCoin,the world’s first Fixed Monthly allowance plan platform bonding with cryptocurrency assets, powered by smart contracts & advisory team. ABOUT GREENISH It took Greenish half year to contemplate on about this thought. The Greenish coin venture giving the elective method to procure month to month rather than benefits or retirement designs. We are making decentralized Fixed Monthly remittance to Greenish clients on the square chain, worked by and for the general population, making a more secure money related future for humankind. Greenish coin is disposing of the universe of imperfections in benefits and retirement stores with another ve

Robot that can make you rich - CryptoRobotic

In the millennial era, the development of Humanoids can arguably approach perfectly. In addition to inventions in the field of mechanics that allow moving machines more dynamic, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) participate in refining the humanoid. The first humanoid created by corporate giants Japan, the origin of Honda, with its humanoid named ASIMO. ASIMO is a humanoid-shaped astronauts are able to walk about 30 minutes. Honda step at the beginning of the year 2000 is then followed by other robots with the same concept. In 2003, humanoid equipped with realistic skin darisilikon developed by Osaka University. This humanoid then named Actroid. Actroid is able to imitate human movements, like blinking, speaking, and breathing. In 2005, a team of scientists and engineers Philiph k. Dick developed an android who can talk. The ability of android named PKD is derived from programming at once unique complex algorithms that were developed with the collaboration of the variou

Loyal Coin Swap — Find the best success!

Perhaps you do not know this, but in the world of cyptocurrency there is a noiseless war. This is the war that is being waged over the share in the crypto exchange market, and the battlefield is the exchange, which will be the first to offer the most complete package. A package that satisfies the needs of the consumer, as well as the needs of ICO enterprises wanting to enter the market. Exchanges, perhaps, turn the crypto-currency world into a turnover. Without them, the market will not be able to work. The market share of the Exchange is not trivial, because a lot of money is at stake. However, competition is cruel, as there are more exchanges in the market than you can shake a stick. In general, at this stage you should have a damn good offer if you think that you deserve a place at the table. To compete, new businesses usually use a proven and accurate "one raise" strategy for your competition. As a result, monitoring the maturity of the exchange industry is almost

ENTRY – криптовалютный банкинг будущего

ENTRY  - криптовалюта и платежный шлюз для электронных магазинов, доступ к которому можно легко получить через сеть и мобильные приложения. Проект предоставит IBAN (номер международного банковского счета) каждому пользователю ENTRY, чтобы они могли хранить активы на своих счетах. Первоначально, EntryMoney будет способствовать только валюте евро для всех транзакций. Система позволяет пользователям вносить, хранить, снимать и передавать фиатную, а также криптовалюту. Продавцы могут использовать платформу для простых преобразований, чтобы обеспечить продажу своих товаров. Торговцы получат продажную цену в запрошенной валюте за вычетом применимых транзакционных сборов и могут торговать за пределами национальных границ без каких-либо хлопот валютной дифференциации или колебаний. EntryСистема сможет торговать своей собственной валютой (например, Евро), предоставляя покупателям свободу использовать любую криптовалюту для покупки (скажем, BTC). Entry.Money гарантирует, что продавец получ